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Commission Composition


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Members of the Commission are appointed by the Governor, filling positions that are designated in ACT 1288 to represent stakeholder groups. At present, the membership roster is as follows:

1. Deniece Beckman(Resigned- no replacement yet)– Classroom teachers (Recommended by Arkansas Education Association)

2. Sandy Button - Member at large

3. Amy Daniel - Local school boards of directors (Recommended by Arkansas School Boards Association)

4. John Davidson - Department of Career Education

5. Dr. Larry Evans - Physicians and psychologists who specialize in treating children and adolescents (Recommended by the Chief of Staff of Arkansas Children’s Hospital)

6. Vacancy, appointment pending - Physicians and psychologists who specialize in treating children and adolescents (Dr. Charles Feild resigned from this position in May 2010.)

7. Frank Holman - School district superintendents (Recommended by Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators)

8. Brett Smith- Department of Human Services

9. Ginny Kurrus – Parents (Recommended by the Arkansas Congress of Parents and Teachers)

10. Lori L. Lamb - Department of Education

11. Stacey Mahurin - Students with learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder (Recommended by the Learning Disabilities Association of Arkansas)

12. Jim Morgan - School principals with alternative education experience (Recommended by Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators)

13. Jimmy “Don” Murray - Department of Health

14. Kenny Pennington - School principals with alternative education experience (Recommended by Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators)

15. Judge Cindy Thyer - Judicial system

16. Lillian Williams - Department of Higher Education